Aging water main originally installed in rear-lot easements of residential properties in the City of Venice, FL, is difficult to access for repair and replacement due to fences and vegetation. To improve future access and upgrade infrastructure, the City is undertaking a water main relocation program that will construct water main in the right-of-way in front of homes, reconnect water services to the new water main, relocate water meters to the new connection point, and then abandon the rear-lot water main.

Wade Trim developed a phasing program to define geographical boundaries and sequencing that divided the effort into seven project phases. GIS information was obtained from the City and field-verified to create a map of the water meters that need to be relocated. Phase boundaries were intended to divide the area into equal-sized projects that fell into the City’s annual budget for the program.

Wade Trim is also providing design, permitting and construction administration services for two phases of the relocation program, including coordination with property owners. The projects will relocate 293 water services, install 8,300 lineal feet of new PVC water main, and abandon more than 5 miles of aged water main. Due to the historic, residential nature of the project areas, much of the new water main is being installed via horizontal directional drilling, taking care to minimize impact to residents’ driveways and landscape. Water service is maintained from the existing rear-lot easement water main until the new right-of-way water main is installed, tested and cleared for use. Construction is anticipated to be complete in September 2016.

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