Navigating the challenges of declining population and property tax revenue, Redford Township developed the Re-Envision Redford 2040 Comprehensive Master Plan to improve quality of life for residents and lay the groundwork for a more connected, resilient, and sustainable future. Adopted in early 2024, the plan was developed by the Redford Township Planning Commission, Master Plan Steering Committee, and the Wade Trim Team.

Extensive public outreach was used to engage residents during plan development. Input about community needs was gathered from more than 1,000 residents through several in-person events, online surveys, one design charrette, and a Citizen Steering Committee. Priorities identified included transportation choice, greater housing diversity, more recreational opportunities, and downtown redevelopment to funnel any and all efforts into a more resilient community. Additionally, the website enabled residents to stay virtually engaged and subscribe for project updates.

Keeping best transportation, urban design, and environmental practices at the forefront, Re-Envision Redford recommends a renewed effort towards flexibility in land use standards, connected trail networks, community development opportunities, and green infrastructure implementation to bolster community strength and sustainability. Throughout the process, the planning team compiled the community’s goals and action items into a trackable matrix—noting priority levels, partnering entities, and funding sources—for future leaders to review and evaluate the impacts both individually and collectively.

The plan’s implementation mindset has allowed the Township to hit the ground running and secure funding for many high-priority projects. The plan has been used as a basis for grant applications to extend sidewalks and improve pedestrian connections throughout the downtown area. In addition, a community-driven push for transportation choice has initiated several trail connection improvements.

One immediate outcome of Re-Envision Redford is the ongoing development of the Redford Township Recreation + Wellness Center as a key community anchor and destination. Scheduled to open in 2025, this center will encourage redevelopment of the Township’s central business area at Five Mile and Beech Daly Roads and serve as a resiliency hub for residents during extreme weather and natural disaster events.

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