Westcliff Stormwater Drainage Improvements

Westcliff Stormwater Drainage Improvements

The South and North Districts of Fort Worth’s Westcliff neighborhood experience residential flooding. Wade Trim completed 2D hydrologic and hydraulic model simulations using InfoWorks SD software to gain a better understanding of the existing storm sewer capacity and the extent and depth of surface flooding. The modeling effort revealed that storm sewers are undersized in both districts and excess runoff from the South District storm sewer flows overland across the drainage boundary and contributes to the North District flooding.

Alternatives to alleviate future flooding, including relief sewers and storage facilities, were developed and evaluated. Because the drainage district is a fully developed, urban area with little open space for open storm retention sites, underground storage and transport sewers were considered. A phased improvement program was developed to construct relief sewer with detention storage while minimizing disruption. Phase 1 improvements include a relief sewer within residential areas of the South District that improves outlet capacity and provides storm relief for both districts.

Stormwater Expertise

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City of Fort Worth
Fort Worth, TX