US-41 (SR 45) Reconstruction from Tower Road to Ridge Road

US-41 (SR 45) Reconstruction from Tower Road to Ridge Road

A 2.9-mile section of US 41 (SR 45) in Pasco County was reconstructed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District 7, to increase road capacity and relieve traffic congestion through this high-volume corridor. Wade Trim’s design expanded the existing two-lane rural road into a four-lane divided suburban highway with multi-use path, and was designed for a future expansion to six lanes. Access management concerns were coordinated with adjoining developers and the joint School District of Pasco County Administration and Operations Offices and the Land O’ Lakes High School complex.

The stormwater design required the hydrologic analysis of two watersheds and their water body roadway crossings and five stormwater management facilities, and included mitigation for nine acres of wetland impacts and 18 acre feet of floodplain impacts. Wade Trim balanced the requirements of the Southwest Florida Water Management District and Army Corps of Engineers with requests from developers of adjoining property. At the request of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, a new triple box culvert provided a new wildlife crossing to enrich the designated wildlife corridor.

The existing traffic signal was upgraded with new mast arm supports, video traffic detection, emergency vehicle preemption, pedestrian pushbuttons and countdown pedestrian signals. The project included design services for a Joint Project Agreement with Pasco County Utilities for a new potable and reclaimed water main that was constructed concurrent with the roadway.

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Florida Department of Transportation, District 7
Pasco County, FL