Taylor Water System Master Plan

Taylor Water System Master Plan

Committed to providing adequate water service and fire protection for its community, the City of Taylor has advanced its water master planning and hydraulic modeling activities with Wade Trim’s assistance since 1973. Initially, a water distribution system analysis was performed to evaluate the existing system. A Water Distribution System Master Plan was completed in 1982 along with development of a computer model of the water distribution network to accurately simulate existing flows and system characteristics. The model allows us to vary water demands and other system conditions to evaluate the impacts of development and the future needs of the City.

Subsequent updates to the Master Plan and model were completed in 2002, 2004 and 2009 to determine existing system capabilities and deficiencies, examine future demands and recommend modifications to improve system conditions. Additional analyses were completed regarding available fire flows, the location and frequency of water main breaks and the cost effectiveness of repair or replacement, as well as the feasibility of locating storage facilities within the City and the optimal locations for achieving its fire flow and equalization pressure objectives. Wade Trim is continuing this effort by undertaking a 2015 Water Master Plan update.

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City of Taylor
Taylor, MI