City of Taylor, MI

City of Taylor, MI

The City of Taylor has partnered with Wade Trim to plan and manage its infrastructure to support residential neighborhoods, recreational features, City-owned facilities, and commercial and industrial areas since 1926. We have developed and maintained master plans as a tool for this City of more than 60,000 to evaluate its aging infrastructure and plan for replacement and rehabilitation. We have also provided planning, building and engineering reviews for residential areas and commercial and industrial developments, helped the City develop its Tax Increment Finance Authority (TIFA) program, and provided day-to-day assistance as needed. Like many communities, the City has limited funding to keep up with infrastructure renewal and must prioritize the design and implementation of improvement projects.

For water main improvements, Wade Trim has assisted the City in determining how to best use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to maximize benefits to all residents in eligible areas while addressing the greatest system needs to rein in maintenance costs. Significant City water/sewer funds combined with supplemental funds from the TIFA, and most recently, a $1.2 million US Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant have also been used. Recent projects include construction of nearly five miles of new and rehabilitated water main through a combination of open trench, directional drilling and pipe-bursting techniques in the northeast section of the City and a new, larger water main to serve a busy industrial park.

Wade Trim verifies sanitary sewer collection system improvements associated with development within the City are consistent with the Master Plan for the regional Wayne County interceptor system. In the 1990s, major improvements to the City’s system included initiatives to reduce inflow and address surcharging. Wade Trim performed flow monitoring and analyzed the data to determine the areas where significant inflow existed and a cost effective means for removal from the system was developed. In 2012, Wade Trim prepared specifications to televise, inspect, replace, line and rehabilitate a full residential neighborhood.

In the early 1980s, Wade Trim began to develop master plans for areas of the City that experienced surface water flooding due to storms that had not been addressed by the Wayne County drainage system. Detention basins were constructed throughout the City to attenuate storm flows. These basins were combined with recreational opportunities resulting in two golf courses, wetland mitigation interpretive parks, and other City parks. Ongoing stormwater efforts include working with City staff to achieve MS4 permitting initiatives and requirements.

The City’s road network has also been part of Wade Trim’s master planning services. In the 1980s, a plan was developed and implemented to pave nearly 60 miles of gravel roads, eliminating nearly every gravel road in the City. In the 1990s, a program was developed to rehabilitate or reconstruct all major roads. Wade Trim also assisted the City in construction of new roads to open up land for development. This work included assessing options for roadway locations, property acquisition, design and construction engineering services. Recent projects have included pavement rehabilitation techniques such as whitetopping and concrete panel and joint repair with a bituminous overlay utilizing a geotextile fabric to minimize reflective cracking. Funding assistance through the TIFA and local agency initiatives have been sought and obtained.

Consultant of Record Expertise

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City of Taylor
Taylor, MI