Deteriorated Pole Replacement Program

Deteriorated Pole Replacement Program

Each year, a Pennsylvania-based investor-owned utility (IOU) tests wooden distribution poles within its service territory for structural deficiencies and identifies poles for replacement. New poles are designed like-for-like unless evaluation determines the need for a different pole height to meet current code or clearances. Wade Trim provided services for this program that include field visits to each location to verify and capture as-built conditions, assess the right-of-way for vegetation obstructions, confirm required clearances and measurements, and develop a pole replacement design that incorporates new codes and standards.

During design, the client’s GIS, Maximo, and drawing manager systems were accessed through a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A two-step QA/QC process implemented for drawing submittals reduced design revisions. Pole heights ranged from 30 to 70 feet and complexity varyied from service-only poles to multi-circuit configurations. Our team also helped with permit applications, NJUNS ticket creation, MISS DIG requests, and Maximo CU entry.

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