Mitchell Road Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

Mitchell Road Water Treatment Plant Upgrade

A cost-effective solution was needed for the Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) to remedy a history of water quality problems inherited with the acquisition of the Seven Springs Utility System in New Port Richey. Poor quality source water had proved too difficult for the existing system’s eight groundwater wells to adequately treat. An alternatives analysis determined that converting the Mitchell Road Water Treatment Plant to a centralized treatment facility was the preferred solution.

Advanced treatment techniques were incorporated into the plant to handle the raw water challenges. Forced draft aeration with dual stage chemical odor control removes hydrogen sulfide and pressure filters remove iron, organics, and particulate matter. Additional plant improvements include switching from free chlorine to chloramination for water disinfection, providing chemicals for pH adjustment, and adding a back up emergency power generator. The plant site was enhanced with landscaping based on input from neighboring residents.

Nearly seven miles of raw water main was installed to deliver water from the wells to the plant. In addition, five interconnections with the Pasco County water system were added to supplement the community’s water supply, restoring wells to pumping levels permitted by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and minimizing impacts to sensitive area waters.

FICE Grand Award, 2013

Mitchell Water Treatment Plant Improvements

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Florida Governmental Utility Authority
New Port Richey, FL