M-59 at Crooks Road Interchange Design-Build Reconstruction

M-59 at Crooks Road Interchange Design-Build Reconstruction

Complete reconstruction of the bridge over M-59 and interchange ramps at Crooks Road required a design-build approach to meet the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) aggressive schedule and tight budget. The existing two-lane bridge with narrow sidewalks was reconstructed to a wider, four-lane bridge that features 12-foot, non-motorized pathways on both sides. Four interchange ramps were reconstructed and two new loop ramps were added. Approximately one-half mile of Crooks Road was reconstructed, including an intersection serving a business park at the north end of the project.

A two-phase procurement process was used to select design-build contractors. MDOT established objectives for safety, budget, quality, mobility and schedule as factors for short-listing qualified teams. Teams were required to develop accurate quantities to formulate bids to complete the project; a limited amount of project design was completed to advance plans to a level that provided confidence in quantities for the contractor and suppliers. This approach provided the designer and contractor an opportunity to develop innovative ways to meet the project schedule while staying within the construction budget.

After MDOT selected the design-build team of Wade Trim and Dan’s Excavating, the project moved into the post-bid design phase which advanced plans already developed into more detail. Since maintaining traffic mobility on M-59, Crooks Road, and the adjacent roads was a high priority for MDOT, Wade Trim completed a Traffic Management Plan. MDOT’s commitment to context-sensitive design and stakeholder engagement was promoted through public meetings to inform area residents and businesses about closures, detours and construction activities.

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Michigan Department of Transportation
Oakland County, MI