Greenmead Historical Park Master Plan

Greenmead Historical Park Master Plan

Greenmead Historical Park, a 95-acre park operated by the City of Livonia’s Parks and Recreation Department, includes the nearly 200-year-old Greenmead Farm, a historical village of relocated buildings, community gardens, a nature trail, and soccer fields. Though public and private events have been hosted at the park, the City wanted to reinvigorate these unique assets to better serve Livonia and Metro Detroit residents. In alignment with the City’s existing plans, Wade Trim led development of the Greenmead Historical Park 20-year Master Plan (GHPMP) adopted in January 2023. The GHPMP provides a mission and vision for the park and sets goals and strategic objectives for the coming years.

The major challenge in creating the GHPMP was determining how to bring all the physical assets together while preserving the historic integrity of the site. The project approach focused on historic preservation and public engagement, landscape architecture and urban design, historic architecture, collections and archiving, construction management, and budgeting.

Through robust community engagement and thoughtful planning, the Greenmead 365 concept was formed. The concept relies on an interpretive strategy that unifies the site’s various historical narratives to tell the larger story of America’s Midwest settlement and development, paired with implementable actions to bring visitors to the park 365 days a year for unique experiences.

The GHPMP prioritizes improvements to drive return traffic such as a gathering pavilion/skating rink, concert space, petting zoo, interpretive center within a refurbished Nankin Mills School, and a nature-play playground. Proposed new walking and biking trails will improve intra-site accessibility while connecting to the City’s existing non-motorized network. Local sustainability and resilience goals are supported with bioswales proposed at all parking locations and additional tree cover from interior parking lot islands and an innovative orchards parking lot. In addition, unique gateway features will be created to raise awareness and improve the park’s aesthetic appeal to enhance the historical campus’s sense of place.

Michigan Association of Planning Outstanding Urban Design Award, 2023

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City of Livonia
Livonia, MI