Islamorada Wastewater Program

Islamorada Wastewater Program

Islamorada, Village of Islands, used a design-build-operate (DBO) delivery model to construct a $130 million centralized wastewater treatment system to meet Florida-mandated Advanced Wastewater Treatment requirements intended to protect coastal waters. Wade Trim assisted the Village by performing the duties of its Owner’s Representative and Construction Manager to oversee and deliver the entire system using a DBO Contractor which began in 2011 and was substantially completed at the end of 2015.

Wade Trim provided services during all stages of the project. Project definition and procurement support services assisted the Village in contracting with the DBO Contractor, including contract development and negotiations. Design review and coordination services aided the Village in ensuring project definition goals were met by the Contractor. Construction management, inspection, project controls, and start-up oversight assisted the Village staff in confirming a high quality installation was provided by the DBO Contractor.

Septic tanks were eliminated within the four-island community and a Village-wide vacuum sewer wastewater collection system was constructed with requisite vacuum pump stations, transmission force mains, and transfer pump facilities located in the public right-of-way. Village wastewater is being pumped north approximately 15 miles for treatment by a neighboring community’s wastewater treatment plant. Wade Trim assisted the Village in developing and executing an inter-local agreement to provide for this alternative treatment.

Program Management Expertise

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Islamorada, Village of Islands
Islamorada, FL