Flint Riverfront Restoration Plan

Flint Riverfront Restoration Plan

An award-winning master plan of design improvements was created for two miles of riverfront land in the City of Flint as well as planning and design recommendations for modifications to a failing dam structure. The Plan provides a vision that will transform the riverfront from a neglected resource into a healthy and vibrant community asset by fusing the technical elements of flood control with ecological restoration, public open space design, recreational boating and redevelopment of underutilized land. Working with subconsultants Stantec and Somat Engineering, Wade Trim designed a series of interventions proposed to strengthen the physical relationship between the Flint River and surrounding neighborhoods and the central business district through a green corridor network of public and private open spaces and parks.

Data collected during the project included a detailed engineering assessment of the dam structure, a bathymetric survey of the river channel, a topographic design survey of the contiguous parks and open space areas of the riverfront lands within the study area, river sediment characterizations upstream of the dam, and hydrologic data of the watershed. Target fish species’ passage requirements were analyzed for the design of natural channel structures to facilitate fish migration in the restored river channel. A hydrologic and hydraulic model of the river system for the contributing watershed was created to represent the baseline condition and screen alternatives for dam and river channel improvements.

A robust community engagement process was essential to developing the planning and design recommendations to ensure accuracy, understand desired outcomes and hone final design recommendations. This effort included large and small group stakeholder meetings, public open house meetings, monthly project status reports and a website. Stakeholders and the public overwhelmingly supported this integrated project plan that will be paired with other watershed-wide improvements to enhance the local and regional economy, improve aquatic habitat within the watershed, and serve as a framework for repair of the urban fabric including downtown Flint and adjoining neighborhoods.

ASLA-MI Honor Award, Landscape Planning and Analysis, 2011
ASLA-OH Merit Award, Landscape Planning and Analysis, 2011

Community Planning Expertise

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City of Flint
Flint, MI