Electrical Service Planning

Electrical Service Planning

A major utility provider’s service planning and design program in Southeast Michigan requires robust customer service and response for a large magnitude of new services added to the existing power grid. Wade Trim has worked with the utility since 2017 to support planning and design for electrical services inclusive of single- and three-phase new residential and commercial, service relocations, line and/or meter upgrades, and retirements.

Our electrical planners and engineers provide distribution upgrade design and engineering concurrently with service work to expedite turnaround for our client’s customers. Field technicians travel throughout the service area conducting field analyses and inventories safely and efficiently. Our work has also helped the client improve internal service processes and training. To provide more efficient turnarounds on customer-requested site visits, our client allowed us to modify a previous process to have full-time field technicians work directly with our internal logistics team. Utilizing a thorough understanding of our client’s standards and specifications, an internal training program was also implemented to elevate levels of competency throughout the project management process.

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