Del Prado Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion

Del Prado Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion

A design-build approach was used to expand operations at the Del Prado Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) as a condition of the Florida Governmental Utility Authority’s (FGUA) acquisition of this advanced secondary facility with public access reuse. As part of a joint venture team with US Water, Wade Trim designed the expansion to increase the annual average daily treatment capacity of the Type I extended aeration facility from 3.5 to 4.25 million gallons per day (MGD). New components included a headworks structure with screening and grit removal, a 2.2-MG oxidation ditch, and a 500,000-gallon aerobic digester to handle the increased flow. Improvements were also made to the reuse water storage and pumping system and the electrical system, and a new backup generator was added.

Construction of the expansion was fast-tracked to provide wastewater treatment for an area served by the Waterway Estates WWTP in Lee County that was decommissioned. Working closely with FGUA and Lee County Utilities, Wade Trim developed the design-build criteria package for the Waterway Estates Interconnect Pipeline project that linked the Waterway Estates service area to the Del Prado WWTF.

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Florida Governmental Utility Authority
North Fort Myers, FL