Customer Natural Gas Service Design

Customer Natural Gas Service Design

Our client’s customer management group develops designs and generates work orders for residential and commercial natural gas customers throughout Michigan. This work includes service line and meter work order development for new service requests, service renewals, meter and/or service line upgrades and retirements, and joint services with foreign utilities. Wade Trim has provided natural gas service design for the group since 2013.

A high workload has required creative programming with as many as 50 Wade Trim employees supplementing the client’s staff at a given time. Project coordinators serve as primary points of contact, working with designers and field technicians to respond to a wide range of resident and commercial requests. Our workflow and design process features a site assessment, meter selection and placement, pipe routing, pipe sizing, load calculations, customer coordination, cost analysis, permitting, easement coordination, and bill of materials (BOM) preparation. Our team also supported a transitional training program during a shift in the team’s workflow and design process.

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