State Road 44 IMA Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Land Development Code Updates

State Road 44 IMA Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Land Development Code Updates

The planned extension of Suncoast Parkway 2, a four-lane toll facility, into Citrus County in Florida’s Tampa Bay area will create three new interchanges that will impact land use along the corridor. The S.R. 44 Interchange Management Area (S.R. 44 IMA) is an established boundary adjacent to the new S.R. 44 interchange, within which land use policy and development standards will be applied. To help manage how anticipated growth will occur, the Citrus County Board of County Commissioners contracted Wade Trim to develop a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Land Development Code (LDC) Updates for the S.R. 44 IMA. The project creates a framework to implement focused growth to leverage economic development and create a community gateway that reflects the County’s desired appearance and character.

The focused growth scenario was one of several land use scenarios for the S.R. 44 IMA previously studied for Citrus County by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council. Citrus County chose to pursue focused growth because it promotes more intensive development along S.R. 44 to support targeted industries. Emphasis is placed on planned rather than spot development along the corridor.

Public engagement was vital to creating a successful framework that encourages coordinated and compatible forms of development. Wade Trim conducted multiple meetings with the public, landowners, and building industry representatives, and facilitated workshops with the Planning and Development Commission and Board of County Commissioners. An online public engagement platform was also used. To better define economic development opportunities for the S.R. 44 IMA, Wade Trim worked with Redevelopment Management Associates, an economic development subconsultant, to conduct a Market Analysis.

The resulting Comprehensive Plan Amendment, adopted by the County in August 2023, details new policies that emphasize non-residential and residential mixed-use development, parkway-related and employment-generating land uses, and workforce housing opportunities near essential services. Additional LDC updates to regulate where and what type of development can occur in the S.R. 44 IMA are anticipated for 2024.

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Citrus County
Citrus County, FL