H-153 Alvi Pipeline Replacement

H-153 Alvi Pipeline Replacement

Leading a team of consultants to replace aging natural gas pipeline for Peoples Natural Gas (PNG), Wade Trim provided design and permitting services for replacement of a 2.5-mile segment of 16-inch-diameter, high-pressure pipeline in Allegheny County. To confirm the condition and location of existing right-of-way (ROW), the project team researched the route, prepared a line list, and completed a field investigation to evaluate the ROW and verify current landowners. Constructability factors were assessed and temporary workspace areas, staging areas, and points of access were identified. Additionally, all land acquisition work was completed on behalf of PNG.

Engineering for the pipeline included main line valve assemblies, hydrostatic test protocols, tie-in details, and a complete Bill of Materials. Close coordination with the Allegheny County Conservation District, the Municipalities of Plum Borough and Penn Hills, and multiple landowners was key to accomplishing this high-profile project. Erosion and sediment control plans were prepared to support a Chapter 102 NPDES Permit and a Chapter 105 General Permit for multiple stream and wetland crossings/impacts. Multiple Highway Occupancy Permits were obtained for road crossings. Additionally, weekly and post-rain erosion and sediment control inspections were carried out to comply with permit requirements.

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Peoples Natural Gas
Pittsburgh, PA