Reconstruction of Fleet Street was a core component of the City of Plymouth’s infrastructure improvement program to continue enhancing its downtown area. As City Engineer for the program, Wade Trim provided design and construction phase services for utility and concrete pavement replacement that was constructed by contractors GM & Sons (concrete) and Pro-Line (prime). The project received a 2018 Michigan Concrete Association (MCA) Excellence in Concrete Award in the Municipal Flatwork Category based on speed of construction, coordination and cooperation with businesses, and quality of work.

Fleet Street partially serves as an alley that runs around the City’s Central Parking Deck and behind numerous downtown buildings from Ann Arbor Trail to Wing Street. The project was designed to improve and enhance the street’s functionality and aesthetics. Decorative, stamped, red concrete was used to clearly define pedestrian crossings and replace brick that lined the entire perimeter of the alley adjacent to businesses. In addition, repairs were made to storm and sanitary sewers and gas service upgrades were coordinated with Consumers Energy.

Working within tight space constraints and around more than 50 existing structures, extensive coordination was required to minimize impacts on surrounding businesses. Construction staging was critical to maintain access for public parking, businesses, pedestrians, deliveries, and trash and recycling collection throughout the entire schedule that began in the fall to avoid the City’s downtown summer activities.

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