The Michigan Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) selected Martin Parker, Jr., PE, to receive its President’s Award. The award recognizes a transportation professional who has made an outstanding contribution to the practice of traffic or transportation engineering. Judges commended Martin’s technical expertise, dedication to mentoring younger engineers, and high-level state and national project experience.

A Senior Traffic Engineer with more than 50 years of experience, Martin provides expert transportation planning and engineering; traffic operations analysis; roadway, traffic signal and highway design; and safety management services to clients. He is involved in almost every Wade Trim transportation project, including traffic impact studies for new developments and campus expansions such as the Ford Research and Engineering Center in Dearborn and Michigan State University. Martin also provides leadership and assistance on multiple Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) roadway design and construction projects, as well as Master Plans and implementation plans such as the City of Battle Creek Non-Motorized Transportation Network Master Plan.

Martin has been instrumental in making Wade Trim a recognized leader in traffic signing and safety, with extensive experience in signing plans, including on MDOT sign upgrade projects in all MDOT Regions, 82 miles of completed freeway sign projects, and over 2,000 miles of non-freeway sign projects.

On the national level, Martin has worked with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to study crash problems and countermeasures for urban arterials, determine safety and operational impacts of median types used on urban arterials, and evaluate right-turn-on-red. He also helped develop the national, knowledge-based expert system for setting speed limits, and wrote several traffic and safety reports and training manuals for the FHWA and various state and local agencies.

Martin was honored on October 12 during the ITE Michigan Technical Session at the Van Buren ISD Conference Center.

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