As part of a multi-year plan to enhance the water quality of the Indian River Lagoon and support existing and future development, the City of Palm Bay is expanding its wastewater treatment capacity in the southern portion of the City. Wade Trim designed a 2-million-gallon-per-day (MGD) water reclamation facility capable of expanding to 12 MGD over the next 15 years.

The South Regional Water Reclamation Facility will be the first in the City to use membrane bioreactor treatment technology, which combines conventional biological treatment processes with membrane filtration to provide advanced solids and nutrient removal. This advanced treatment system requires less space than a traditional treatment plant. Wade Trim evaluated treatment process alternatives and developed a master utility campus layout for future treatment plants on the overall 108-acre site. We also helped the City obtain State Revolving Fund support through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Additionally, we are providing construction engineering administration and full-time inspection for the project, which is slated for completion by December 2022.

Wade Trim has assisted the City in advancing their wastewater treatment capabilities for the past 14 years with completion of a Wastewater Master Plan and nutrient removal facilities at the City’s North Regional Water Reclamation Facility.


Wade Trim Project Manager Oscar Duarte, PE (second from left), and Principal Tom Brzezinski, PE (far right) joined City of Palm Bay officials on February 19, 2021, to break ground on the South Regional Water Reclamation Facility.

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