Michigan State University (MSU) is building a new Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a world-leading facility for nuclear science research. Scheduled to open in 2022, the FRIB is expected to be accessed by approximately 400 employees each week day and visited by more than 3,000 people annually. Wade Trim was retained by MSU to identify the transportation needs required to accommodate increased traffic flow resulting from the facility.

A traffic study was conducted to identify roadway improvements including the extension of Wilson Road, a four-lane boulevard, and the construction of Conrad Road, a new three-lane road. Both roads will have bike lanes in each direction and be controlled by semi-actuated and fully-actuated traffic signals. In addition, turn lanes will be installed along Shaw Lane at Conrad Road, Hagadorn Road at Shaw Lane and at the new Wilson Road. These improvements will require reconfiguration of the adjacent campus parking areas and associated green space and recreational fields.

The traffic study also helped secure a $3 million Transportation Economic Development Fund grant from the Michigan Department of Transportation. Wade Trim is currently providing design and construction administration for the improvements to be constructed in 2018.

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