Safety advancements in roadway design, vehicle features, and traffic operations have led to a consistent decline in the roadway fatality rate over the past three decades, but limited improvement in the last 10 years is raising concerns. Wade Trim works with communities throughout Michigan to plan and design transportation projects that improve safety and maximize infrastructure investment. Identifying and pursuing funding opportunities to support these projects is also a priority.

Wade Trim has helped five communities—the Cities of Saginaw, Dearborn Heights, and Sterling Heights, and Canton and Van Buren Townships —obtain recent grants through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. SS4A aims to improve transportation network safety by funding strategies that significantly reduce or eliminate serious crashes for all people—those who walk, bike, drive, or roll. These communities are now beginning their eligible planning, demonstration, or implementation projects to advance roadway safety, adhering to the grant’s 5-year period of performance.

SS4A requires communities to develop a comprehensive Safety Action Plan that identifies their most significant roadway safety concerns before projects and strategies for improvements are eligible for funding. Analysis and public engagement are integral to developing a holistic, well-defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries.

Leveraging their $384,500 SS4A grant, Van Buren Township is working with Wade Trim to create their Safety Action Plan with goals to reduce roadway fatalities to zero by 2028 and decrease injuries on arterial, collector, and local roadways by half. Effective features such as enhanced crosswalks, dedicated non-motorized paths, and self-enforcing roadway designs will be incorporated into the plan.

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