The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is completing the 2045 Michigan State Long-Range Transportation Plan to provide a multimodal vision for the state’s transportation network, comprehensive goals and objectives, and actionable strategies to implement the plan over the next 25 years. Also known as Michigan Mobility 2045 (MM2045), the plan is the first of its kind to include as supplements two additional, federally-required documents—the State Rail Plan and State Freight Plan—in support of a holistic approach to Michigan’s transportation planning. MM2045 aims to improve safety, infrastructure conditions, and system reliability to strengthen the state’s future economic viability and competitiveness. As part of a consultant team assisting with development of the plan, Wade Trim conducted safety planning research by reviewing current safety literature and initiatives in Michigan and 10 peer states. Goals, objectives, performance measures, and strategies were evaluated to recommend goals and strategies to incorporate into Michigan’s plan.

Wade Trim also prepared Michigan’s first statewide Active Transportation Plan in collaboration with the MDOT and WSP MM2045 team. “MM2045 Active Transportation Plan: A Bold Vision” will be included as a supplement to the final version of MM2045. It supports connected active transportation infrastructure, such as shared-use paths and trails, bike lanes, and sidewalks, for the entire state and highlights opportunities and implementation strategies to improve safe, connected, active transportation in Michigan. The standalone Active Transportation Plan is expected to be finalized by the end of September 2021.

MDOT is asking the public and all stakeholders to review the first draft of MM2045. Three statewide public meetings have been held for input and comments will be accepted here through August 31, 2021. MM2045 is slated for adoption in 2021.

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