After 43 years of use, the sanitary sewer system that serves nearly 900 homes and businesses around Lake Mitchell near Cadillac, MI, will be rehabilitated to restore its reliability and protect the environment. The Lake Mitchell Sewer Authority will use a $9-million Water and Waste Disposal Loan from the US Department of Agriculture’s Office of Rural Development to fund the improvements. Wade Trim assisted the Authority in obtaining the loan and is designing the replacement of 205 grinder pump stations and 7 submersible pump stations that operate to convey sewage through the Townships of Cherry Grove, Clam Lake, and Selma to the City of Cadillac’s wastewater treatment plant.

The upgrade will modernize equipment, help address infiltration and inflow issues, and reduce operation and maintenance costs. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2021 and will include cleaning and televising the sewer mains in the system to assess their condition, and repairing pipes as needed. Metered manholes will also be rehabilitated.

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