Seeking an independent raw water source for Genesee, Lapeer, and Sanilac Counties, and the Cities of Flint and Lapeer, the Karegnondi Water Authority (KWA) constructed a $262 million water supply system that spans 63 miles from Lake Huron to Flint, MI. The ambitious system includes 49 miles of 60- and 66-inch welded steel transmission main, 2 pumping stations, and 14 miles of 36-inch ductile iron transmission main. As Program Manager, Wade Trim and AECOM oversaw 7 design and construction contracts on an aggressive, 4-year schedule. Each contract was executed by a different design professional team arranged by KWA from a pool of 10 local and national consultants. The project was honored with an Engineering Merit Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Michigan (ACEC/M).

A highly structured project approach established consistency from design through construction and from consultant to contractor. Rigorous, standardized processes, documentation, and communication procedures yielded uniformity and efficiencies on all contracts, across all county lines and agency jurisdictions. Detailed standards and project specifications were developed, and a highly prescriptive QA/QC process was used for plan review. Potential budget and schedule impacts were quickly identified and mitigated, and productive relationships were facilitated among unfamiliar team members.

Strict adherence to the aggressive design and permitting schedule enabled KWA to take advantage of a highly competitive bidding atmosphere and obtain bids below the estimate for all 7 contracts. The system provides a reliable raw water source for the region with local control over drinking water treatment standards and rates, and the ability to accommodate future capacity increases.


Jason Kenyon and Becky Smith (Wade Trim Senior Project Managers) and Greg Alexander (KWA Chairperson and Sanilac County Drain Commissioner, right) accepted the award at the ACEC/M Engineering and Surveying Excellence Awards Gala on March 10, 2018, in Grand Rapids, MI.

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