To stimulate economic development along the Joy Road corridor on the west side of Detroit, neighborhood revitalization group Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation spearheaded the beautification of three intersections between M-39 and Evergreen Road. Promoting environmental sustainability was a key approach to attracting and retaining businesses and improving area neighborhoods. The intersection improvements feature bioretention basins designed to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff entering the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s (DWSD) combined sewer system by 67,354 gallons per year while adhering to DWSD’s Green Infrastructure Plan.

Wade Trim designed streetscape improvements and green stormwater controls at the intersections of Joy Road at Westwood, Artesian, and Faust Avenues. Hydraulic studies were conducted to size the bioretention basins, which feature stormwater tree planters with subsurface storage and demonstrate the effectiveness of stormwater reduction. Additional enhancements include permeable pavers, salt-tolerant flowering trees, groundcover, and vegetated swales.

We assisted the Joy-Southfield Community Development Corporation in securing grant funding from the DWSD, the Michigan Department of Transportation’s Transportation Alternatives Program, and the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. Wayne County provided additional funding.

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