AJ Gutz, PE, LEED AP, has joined as Community Design Area Lead in Cleveland where he is focused on expanding our work with municipal clients throughout Ohio. He brings a community-driven approach to developing infrastructure solutions based on 19 years of serving communities, counties, large utilities, and private developers. He specializes in improving natural systems in urban and suburban areas and helping clients secure funding to implement infrastructure improvement projects.

Working throughout the greater Cleveland area, AJ has assisted the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD), Lorain County, City of Lorain, and Ohio Department of Natural Resources. His NEORSD experience includes stormwater management, stream restoration, bank stabilization, flood control, and green infrastructure projects. AJ has assisted the City of Lorain in advancing their Black River Remediation and Restoration Program using USEPA grant funding to implement multiple projects.

AJ holds a Master of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan State University. He is a member of the Water Environment Federation, the Ohio and Florida Water Environment Associations, and the Ohio Stormwater Association.

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