The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) has embraced biosolids thermal drying technology as a sustainable solids processing alternative to incineration and landfilling at their Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). The 47,500-square-foot Biosolids Dryer Facility (BDF) is a long-term, regulatory compliant upgrade that expanded operational flexibility, reduced operation and maintenance costs by 20%, reduced emissions and impacts to the community, and established Detroit as the nation’s largest producer of environmentally-sound biosolids. The project received a national Honor Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) as well as recognition on the state level from ACEC of Michigan.

Wade Trim served as the lead design firm and subconsultant to NEFCO who was the prime contractor. Design highlights include a thickened sludge conveyance system that accommodates highly variable flow using sludge feed pumps with a recirculation system and dual redundant forcemains to convey flow from the WRRF to the BDF. Large gravity and lateral loads from heavy process equipment and four 90-foot-high silos required a deep structural foundation system for support and to resist seismic overturning.

A unique design-build-operate-maintain project delivery system fast-tracked the facility’s startup in under three years with NEFCO contracted to operate and maintain the facility through 2037. Rooted in the BDF’s long-term success, all team members collaborated with GLWA and NEFCO operations staff to champion a design and construction process that was efficient, operator-friendly and cost-effective. GLWA will benefit from long-term operational enhancements and a turn-key transition to operating this world-class nutrient recycler.

ACEC award ceremony

Sue McCormick, GLWA CEO (center left), and Dennis Prevo, Wade Trim Project Manager (center right), accepted the national Honor Award from ACEC representatives at the Engineering Excellence Awards Gala on April 17, 2018, in Washington, DC.

ACEC award ceremony

Dennis Prevo (left) and Philip Kora, GLWA Construction Engineering Manager – WRRF (right), accepted the state Honorable Conceptor Award at the ACEC/M Engineering and Surveying Excellence Awards Gala on March 10, 2018, in Grand Rapids, MI.