Construction of a 1-million-gallon elevated water storage tank is underway in Burton, MI, to increase reliability and pressure in the southeast corner of Genesee County’s water distribution and transmission system. Led by the Genesee County Drain Commissioner, this gravity-fed water tower project will supply drinking water during peak hour demand, improve fire flow protection, and help maintain pressure in the system during power outages or mechanical failure to protect public health. The 170-foot-high hydropillar tank, featuring a fluted column and a 75-foot-wide bowl, will be connected to the County’s water system via an existing 30-inch transmission main.

Wade Trim is providing design and construction engineering services for the project. Design services comprise topographic survey, soil borings and geotechnical analysis, tank, foundation, electrical controls and instrumentation, and site updates including stormwater management. Our construction administration, shop drawing review, field observation, and field engineering services are ongoing with project completion anticipated by November 2022.

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