A confidential client is adding 22 miles of natural gas pipeline, with an anticipated construction cost totaling $58 million, through Grand Traverse and Benzie Counties, MI, to improve the reliability of supply sources and minimize customer disruptions during routine maintenance and emergencies. New pipeline will be installed in three phases using open cut and horizontal directional drilling methods. Wade Trim provided construction surveying for the $14.8-million, first phase of the project that extends 9 miles.

Global Positioning System (GPS) technology, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Robotic Total Stations, and LiDAR Laser Scanners were used to deliver a GIS geo-database of as-built pipeline data and orthometric aerial imagery of the pipeline corridor. Two full-time survey crews, a data technician, and survey project management staff were dedicated to this project for the 5-month duration totaling over 5,000 safe work hours with no missed work due to injuries or OSHA recordables. All staff wore necessary PPE including FR clothing, hardhats, safety vests, and boots. COVID-19 safety protocols followed for all tasks included wearing of face masks and social distancing.

Surveying services included mapping of four-way utility sweeps and pot hole logging; verification of pipe manifest; staking of all proposed pipeline and pipeline appurtenances; construction staking and as-built measurements for pipeline installation; corridor as-built mapping; and pipeline weld surveys that included layout for gate and valve sites, station improvements, access roads, and ancillary sites.

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