The City of Frankfort’s City Council recently adopted their Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and Development Plans to promote year-round growth, encourage preservation, establish placemaking strategies and prevent deterioration in downtown Frankfort, MI. The TIF District is projected to capture $2.2 million over the next 25 years to fund ongoing operations and projects administered by the DDA. Near term goals include completing the Beach-to-Beach Trail, developing a Downtown Promotions and Marketing Strategy, and operating a parking shuttle or trolley service to move visitors between satellite parking, downtown and Lake Michigan beach areas. The TIF capture will also fund ongoing programs such as developing a Downtown Frankfort social media presence and a business incubator program.

From the beginning of the process in 2009, Wade Trim has helped the City develop a vision for the next 25 years and update their Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance to begin implementing that vision. The Master Plan recommended creation of a DDA, accomplished in 2014, and the TIF District as a funding mechanism to achieve their downtown development goals.

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