After more than two decades of effort, potable water and centralized sewer is coming to American Beach, a historic African-American coastal community on Amelia Island in Nassau County, FL. This infrastructure renewal project is being led by the Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) through an interlocal agreement with the County. Private wells and septic tanks serving 292 residential and commercial properties will be replaced to provide a safe and reliable water and sanitary sewer system and fire protection, improve community health and welfare, and promote economic growth in the area. Eliminating septic tanks also advances the State’s efforts to reduce negative impacts of excess nutrient pollution on the local environment and improve water quality.
To minimize financial impacts on this low-income community, FGUA hired Wade Trim to assist with preparation of facilities plans and various public meetings with residents to pursue funding. A State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for design secured from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) was used to conduct an environmental assessment, determine existing and future land use, develop future flow rates and peaking factors, and prepare conceptual system alignments. The design consists of 2.5 miles of gravity sanitary sewer and water mains, two sewer lift stations, 52 manholes, seven fire hydrants, and eight automatic flushing devices. Due to limited availability of funding in 2021, Wade Trim designed and permitted the project in 3.5 months to help the FGUA obtain two SRF loans totaling $8.5-million for construction. Through additional efforts by the FGUA, the entire project will be completed without any cost to residents.
Construction began in December 2022 with estimated completion by fall 2023. The final step of the infrastructure renewal project will be complete resurfacing of all American Beach roadways.

Residents celebrated at a groundbreaking ceremony on August 31, 2022, with State of Florida Senators, Nassau County Commissioners, and representatives from the American Beach Water and Sewer District, FGUA, US Water, and Wade Trim.