Intersection improvements and traffic calming features have been constructed in the City of Clearwater’s Wood Valley neighborhood to help address concerns about speeding and aggressive driving behaviors. The Wood Valley traffic calming improvements were part of the City’s 10-year initiative to improve safety and beautify several neighborhoods. During a charrette facilitated by Wade Trim, residents identified locations where slower traffic speeds were most desirable. Traffic calming features were then designed in these locations including medians, speed tables, and a low-speed roundabout at the intersection of Fairwood Avenue and Park Trail Lane. In addition, landscaping features were added within the roundabout and in other areas to further enhance the neighborhood.

Traffic maintenance was key to keeping the neighborhood accessible to solid waste services, emergency vehicles, school buses, and local residents during construction. In particular, the roundabout was constructed one half at a time and careful coordination was required with CSX Railroad to minimize impacts on nearby railroad tracks.

Wade Trim provided design, utility coordination, post-design/construction services, and worked with the City’s Stormwater Department to analyze proposed upgrades to the existing drainage system at the roundabout location.

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