The newest, 1-mile segment of Buffalo Ridge Trail, a planned 4.5-mile premier trailway that connects the west and southwest areas of Traverse City, MI, is now in use. This scenic, ADA-accessible trail segment extends from West Middle School to Creekside Drive, providing more efficient connections to the YMCA and Kid’s Creek Park. Funded by the Oleson Foundation, the DNR Trust Fund and Garfield Township, this segment is owned by Garfield Township, and is also part of a regional trail network coordinated by the Traverse Area Recreation and Transportation Trails (TART).

Working within the context of the land was critical to routing the trail. Steep slopes, wetlands and safety concerns related to the adjacent buffalo field, poor soils, and stream crossings, were all considered. Topographic survey and aerial images were used to further understand existing conditions. Cross-section renderings were created to facilitate public understanding and buy-in for the project. The sustainable and safe trail maximizes user experience while minimizing disturbance to nearby commercial and residential development, as well as other existing land uses.

Wade Trim provided preliminary and final design for this project that included a topographic survey, geotechnical investigations, wetland delineation, trail layout and centerline routing in the field, cost estimating, and assistance with stakeholder and public meetings. Construction documents were developed and necessary permits obtained, including a wetland permit from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. We also provided bidding assistance and construction inspection services.

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