The City of Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is working towards creating a network of streets that encourage people to bike and spend more time downtown. This people-friendly initiative includes completion of the City’s first two-way protected bike lane on William Street. Located between First and State Streets, the William Street Bikeway is separated from the adjacent motor vehicle lane by a buffer. The route is intended to improve the safety and comfort of residents, workers, and visitors of all abilities; strengthen businesses; increase connections; and promote green design.
As a subconsultant to SmithGroup, Wade Trim assisted the DDA and City in the study, evaluation, and design of the project. Key elements included a mobility review of curb and gutter placement, parking, bike lane widths and turn movement adjustments, intersection control evaluation, and water main improvements consisting of interconnection and consolidation. Travel lanes were reconfigured in some locations to minimize confusion and optimize multi-modal operations on William Street.

A grand opening of the bikeway was held on October 27, 2019. Wade Trim volunteers helped secure the event perimeter and educate users about turn boxes that provide a safe location for cyclists to wait at intersections before turning onto a cross street.