A bustling area with high levels of vehicular, pedestrian, and cycling traffic, State and Hill Streets are in the heart of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan’s (UM) central campus. A range of upgrades were needed to address poor pavement conditions and aged and undersized water main. The State and Hill Streets Improvements project enhanced the travel experience and safety throughout the area, as well as water quality and level of service. Wade Trim provided design, public engagement support, and construction inspection for the project. Honored by the American Public Works Association Michigan Chapter, Downriver Branch, the improvements received a Project of the Year Award in the Transportation $5 to $25 Million Category.

Both streets were resurfaced and additional varied infrastructure improvements were completed. State Street featured water main consolidation, separated bike lanes, and crosswalk and lighting improvements. Hill Street included water main replacement, safety improvements, and non-motorized improvements. The project advanced the City’s transportation system goals to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes and achieve carbon-neutrality. It also incorporated numerous strategies to improve mobility for all.

The project had many complexities associated with being a federally funded, local-agency project administered through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). Design activities and construction phasing were coordinated between City of Ann Arbor and MDOT standards. The 9-month design schedule required a carefully planned approach to work with key stakeholders like UM, Ann Arbor DDA, Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, Ann Arbor Transportation Commission, utility companies, and the public.

The construction schedule was phased over 2 years due to the size of the project and need to minimize impacts on the busy area. Maintaining events with high economic value for the community, like Ann Arbor Art Fair and UM football, were also major drivers of the project schedule.

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