Gallup Park is one of the City of Ann Arbor’s most popular recreation areas and features a wooden arched bridge that spans the Huron River, connecting the north and south sides of the park. As part of the City’s planned park improvements, a new bridge is being built to replace the 1970s timber bridge that is structurally deficient. The new structure is located directly west of the existing bridge. Wade Trim completed detailed design engineering for the new bridge and is currently providing construction and inspection services.

During the study phase, SmithGroup and Wade Trim, along with Ann Arbor Parks and Recreation, Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation, and the public, established key design criteria for the new structure based on community input. Providing a safer experience for users was a priority as well as retaining the natural character of the existing timber bridge. Incorporating natural materials such as cobblestone and timber elements without sacrificing the structure’s longevity or requiring costly maintenance was a challenge. Wade Trim prepared multiple design concepts for public hearings and stakeholder meetings and a preferred bridge alternative was selected based on feedback received.

The new, two-span structure features one vehicular lane and two, 10-foot-wide pedestrian paths. This design improves safety by calming vehicular traffic and encouraging low speeds, while providing more space for pedestrians and bicyclists. It also reconfigures the Border to Border Trail crossing for improved sight-lines and safety for all park users. For optimal durability, longevity, and maintenance, the bridge will be primarily concrete with natural material accents. It will feature timber railings and decking over the concrete deck, partial cobblestone walls that mimic similar park elements, and limestone ledge stones that stabilize the riverbank and allow easy shoreline access. In addition, clearance between the bridge and river has been increased to allow safer passage for kayakers and other individuals enjoying the river.

The Gallup Park bridge replacement is an integral element to providing seamless and safe multi-modal transportation options for the community and helps the City meet its sustainability goals of promoting active lifestyles. Construction began in November, with an expected completion in summer of 2024.

Rendering courtesy of SmithGroup.

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