Three Wade Trim projects in Michigan and Ohio were recently honored for excellence by state chapters of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). On March 11, DTE Energy’s Traverse City-Alpena Reinforcement Project (TCARP) Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Survey received a Surveying Eminent Conceptor Award, and the City of Ann Arbor DDA’s First and Ashley Two-Way Conversion and Bikeway project received an Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award from ACEC of Michigan. On March 16, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District’s (NEORSD) Chagrin River-Lake Erie Direct Tributaries (CHALET) Stormwater Master Plan Study received an Honor Award from ACEC Ohio.
The TCARP Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Survey spanned 23 miles of pipeline that was constructed to increase the reliability of the natural gas supply system serving more than 51,000 customers in northwest Michigan. From preliminary route surveying to construction staking to as-built surveying, Wade Trim thoroughly documented the existing conditions of the pipeline corridor, supported construction activities, and collected extensive pipeline attributes and as-built data to support the DTE Energy pipeline’s long-term safety and integrity.
The First and Ashley Two-Way Conversion and Bikeway project implemented one of Michigan’s first protected bikeways and restored two-way operations on an existing one-way road through downtown Ann Arbor. In addition, a century-old water system was rehabilitated and stormwater infiltration systems installed through a congested site. Wade Trim and SmithGroup teamed to deliver these improvements that demonstrate how streets can prioritize pedestrian safety, provide capacity for vehicular traffic, balance the needs of multiple users, and integrate sustainable engineering practices.
The CHALET Stormwater Master Plan Study advances NEORSD’s efforts to protect Lake Erie, critical infrastructure, and over one million residents by addressing flooding, erosion, and water quality problems associated with stormwater runoff in the Cleveland Metropolitan area. Regional assets that receive and convey stormwater were assessed throughout the 86-square-mile drainage area using technology tools that streamlined collection of field inspection data. The data was used to create 15 hydrologic and hydraulic subwatershed models of the study area to identify flooding problems, support geomorphic assessments, define problem areas, and support the development and evaluation of alternative improvement projects. The resulting CHALET Stormwater Master Plan delivers a prioritized list of construction projects and operation and maintenance activities to reduce flooding and erosion risks and enhance stream health throughout the region.

(Pictured left to right) Wade Trim Survey Lead Nick Grim and DTE Energy’s Kelly Fedele, Director – Gas Asset Management & Engineering, and John Gott, Supervisor – Gas Land & Survey, received the ACEC/M Surveying Eminent Conceptor Award for the TCARP Natural Gas Pipeline Construction Survey.

Wade Trim Project Manager Chris Wall and SmithGroup Project Manager Kelli Duff received the ACEC/M Engineering Honorable Conceptor Award for the First and Ashley Two-Way Conversion and Bikeway project.

ACEC Ohio Board of Directors Chair CK Satyapriya (left) presented the ACEC OH Honor Award to Wade Trim’s Project Engineers Sarah Fuller and Christian Heller.