As development continues in Hernando County, FL, Utilities Department officials are moving towards developing larger, regional water treatment facilities to meet growing needs. The Lockhart Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is being expanded to accommodate a nearby, planned community being built in the eastern part of the County. The design-build team of Wade Trim as lead designer and Archer Western as prime contractor are leading the expansion of the WTP into a regional facility to meet increased pressure, distribution, and fire flow requirements.

A 2-million-gallon (MG) ground storage tank, high-service pump station, chemical feed building, and well pump are being added to the WTP, also incorporating new piping, valves, metering, and backup power generation. Site improvements include a modified entrance for easier access to the facility, new fencing, buffer plantings including red cedar trees, and modified stormwater controls on-site. The design also enables future expansion to accommodate an additional ground storage tank and pumps when capacity needs increase.

Prior to construction, a geotechnical investigation revealed loose soils on site that had to be addressed to support construction of the new WTP assets. The design-build team’s cost-effective solution entailed excavating the loose soil, compacting it, and bringing in additional appropriate fill. The planned earth work ultimately helped support the load of the water storage tank and fortified the site for future improvements. The project, which has remained within budget and met all permitting and local regulatory requirements, is expected to be complete in late 2024.